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陕西师范大学是教育部直属、世界一流学科建设高校,国家“211工程”重点建设大学,国家教师教育“985工程优势学科创新平台”建设高校,是国家培养高等院校、中等学校师资和教育管理干部以及其他高级专门人才的重要基地,被誉为“教师的摇篮 ”。通过数十年努力,陕西师范大学人文学科拥有坚实的学科基础和若干特色学科,具有争创国家和世界一流学科的实力。近些年来,学校高度重视学科建设,大力实施学科、学术强校战略,人文学科发展较快,在学科建设、科学研究、人才培养和社会服务等方面取得了显著业绩,其相关学科及科研的整体实力持续提升。

陕西师范大学人文科学高等研究院(以下简称“人文高研院”,英文名称为Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities , SNNU,简称IASH)成立于2017年11月6日,原名为人文社会科学高等研究院,是陕西师范大学以建设世界一流学科为目标,以探索、创新体制机制为导向所开辟的“学科+学术”特区,是学校独立设置的学术机构,助力学校打造学科高峰,推动人文学科争创一流。 为进一步优化机构设置与资源配置,聚焦人文科学领域研究,2022年3月22日,经学校党委研究,原“陕西师范大学人文社会科学高等研究院更名为“陕西师范大学人文科学高等研究院”,更加聚焦人文科学研究,为学校的“双一流”建设贡献力量。






Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities , Shaanxi Normal University

Shaanxi Normal University (SNNU), directly administered by the Ministry of Education of China, is a key university under the construction plan of China's national "211 Project" and China's Innovation Platform Construction Plan of the"985" Superior Discipline of Teacher Education, as well as China's construction plan of world-class universities and first-class disciplines.

The Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities (IASH) was established in November 2017, the main purpose of establishing IASH was to build a special academic territory for the development of world-class disciplines. Based on School of Chinese and Literature, School of History and Civilization, and other schools and institutes of SNNU, IASH plays an important role in introducing and training leading talents. The Institute also serves as a platform for comprehensive interchanges between the humanities and the social sciences, offering ample opportunities for intercollegiate and international communications aiming at transcending the typical compartmentalization of academia. By establishing academic research projects, publishing a series of research books, holding academic conferences, etc. IASH effectively activated campus academic atmosphere, improved academic standards, and promoted the rapid development of academic disciplines.